Daniel Skuta: What to Consider When Investing in Businesses

Daniel Skuta is now retired from the NFL—and has devoted much of his time to identifying potentially profitable business opportunities throughout the U.S.

And as seasoned business investor, Skuta has come to know not only what goes into when vetting a potential opportunity, but how best to identify a business that will provide the best probability of return down the road.

Daniel Skuta

What to Consider When Investing in Businesses

As Daniel Skuta knows, careful evaluation is crucial when seeking a good opportunity. As you mull through various investment options, it’s important to:

  • Avoid the pitch. Evaluating opportunities on their own merits—and according to your own unique standards and goals—is the best way to lock down a business you are truly vested in.
  • Require a plan. When assessing an opportunity, be sure to request a business plan. If none exists, it may be time to move on.
  • Calculate acceptable risk. Each investment carries risk. When it comes to businesses, it’s important to know how much you’re willing and able to lose before jumping in headfirst.

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